Blue and Gold Sausage Co. Testimony

Raymond Cockrum Testimony

Amber Moser Testimony

Bruce Farquhar Testimony


In the Fall of 2022, we had the privilege of shooting a series of videos for the FFA Foundation, a remarkable organization dedicated to empowering high school students in the agricultural arts while instilling values of responsibility and respect.

The videos aimed to showcase the transformative impact of FFA's programs and capture the journey of these young individuals as they grow into conscientious and capable adults. Through engaging interviews, captivating visuals, and compelling storytelling, we captured the essence of FFA's mission and the profound personal growth that occurs within its programs.


Client: Oklahoma FFA

Director: Zac Klink

DP: Jono Horry

AC: Nate Gray

Editor: Jono Horry, Jordan Rathbone, Zac Klink

Colorist: Jono Horry & Jordan Rathbone

VFX: Jono Horry